This is Freedom
My Mission is to be a voice for to women and girls around the world still stuck in the life of exploitation. To be that voice I once needed. To share my story in the hopes of helping, even just one other survivor.
If one survivor gains courage due to my unwillingness to remain silent, then my life will have been worth it. My mission is to show the love of Jesus by living out my purpose and calling in this work. The same freedom and redemption that I have received are available to each and every survivor, whether enslaved or free.
What is Sex Trafficking
Sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery that exists throughout the United States and globally.
Sex traffickers and abusers use force, fraud, and coercion tactics like violence, threats, manipulation, and debt bondage to entice adults and children to engage in commercial sex acts against their will. Many sex trafficking victims enter “the life” because they were without options or choice. Without choice, exploitation will always exist. Under U.S. federal law, any minor under the age of 18 years induced into commercial sex is a victim of sex trafficking—regardless of whether or not the trafficker used force, fraud, or coercion.
'From The Ashes'
From The Ashes is a transformative memoir on finding freedom and redemption after experiencing the dark web of drug addiction, sex trafficking, and the commercial sex industry. This is a story about God’s relentless pursuit of Ashley, his healing power, and how he led her out in order to help others who are still trapped. From The Ashes exposes the tactics and recruitment techniques of abusers, explains the vulnerabilities of victims and the lasting effects of trauma on the brain. This book will teach its readers about all that truly encompasses the hidden world of sexual exploitation. A story of captivity to freedom. From scandal to second chance.
Available Now.
What do I do
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The objective of this webinar is to feature the voices of experts with lived experience. The training features discussions on topics including trauma, foster care, and strength-based strategies to assist court involved youth. the presentation identifies key take aways, strategies, and approaches provided by advocates who have been impacted by the court system as young people.
Take Action
What you can do to fight against domestic sex trafficking
Spread Awareness. Share this page, talk to your friends, family, and children about the issue. Become an advocate. Stand up for the cause. Join the anti-trafficking movement. Survivors need YOU.
Call National Human Trafficking Hotline if you see something suspicious, 888-3737-888
Learn more about sex trafficking- Educate yourself (Read Ashley’s Advocacy Paper HERE)
Connect with organizations in your local community who are fighting against sex trafficking (ex. Set Free Monterey Bay)
Contact your local Junior High + High School to make sure they are educating your children about trafficking
Contact service providers and local police in your area and find out how you can help fight against sex trafficking
Donate to Set Free Monterey Bay or other Programs dedicated to helping Survivors succeed (www.setfreemontereybay.org)